‘shiFt CULTURE’ (that’s shift with an ‘F’) is written for people looking to deliver business results with a high performance team culture.
Leaders are failing to engage their people. One in three employees is actively looking for employment elsewhere. The statistics are frightening: 60% of exit interviews confirm people don’t leave the organisation, they leave their one-up leader. People say, “We have a shit culture around here”. How do you feel about that? And how do you rate as a leader?
In the age of rapidly changing information technology, communication is changing. The golden days of the old fat hierarchical structures have long gone. Successful organisations are in fact O.A.R.ganisations, where the team members and the leaders take Ownership, Accountability and Responsibility for making the results happen.
OARsome teams feature a flatter, more nimble structure of networked and empowered high performance teams. They take responsibility for the environment and work culture. Collaboration, communication and co-creation are the new workplace norms.
In this book you will discover:
- How to deliver Business Results with High Performance Teams
- A formula to SHIFT the organisation’s culture
- A recipe guaranteed to engage the hearts and minds of the people and retain talent
- The art and neuroscience of creating High Performance Teams
- The 11 underpinning principles that shift your work culture from TGIF to ‘Can’t wait until Monday’
Boost your ability to easily recall the tools and principles on demand (from 7% to 87%), thanks to the proven accelerated learning system used in this book.
Ian Stephens is a leading speaker, trainer and peak performance coach and co-founder of enRich Training & Development. As the winner of multiple awards, Ian inspires and equips people with practical tools they can apply immediately to get results.
“The book was terrific – I really couldn’t put it down! Serious and extremely valuable lessons and ‘how-to’ put in a lighthearted, ‘easy to read’ format.”…Jane Evans, Conference Event Manager
And always remember to… live in the now, and make sure there’s an ‘F’ in the word SHIFT!
“shiFt CULTURE” is always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype
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