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Discover how to shiFt Your Mindset.

‘shiFt MINDSET’ © (that’s shift with an ‘F’) is written for people who are on the learning and development journey. They know results flow fast when they are in the right emotional state, with the right mindset. They also are painfully aware that any momentum evaporates fast when their mindset is sh#t.

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“shiFt Mindset” is always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype

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‘shiFt MINDSET’ (that’s shift with an ‘F’) is written for people who are on the learning and development journey. Results flow fast with the right mindset.

I wrote this book to summarize the simple, natural and immutable ‘Principles of Results Achievement’.

What if there was a simple formula to fast-track the outcomes and results you desire? And what if you have been on the right track but were just missing one critical step or ingredient?

‘shiFt MINDSET’ serves up one mega mindset shift (an “oh shiFt!” moment), eleven master principles, and five models which will alter the way you understand the science of achievement. They allow you to operate in harmony with natural laws versus struggling and striving hard.

I know what you may be thinking about now… Is this just another book full of so-called secrets with no practical application? Or perhaps you are wondering how this book will differ from the norm?

Can I, at this point, encourage you to keep an open mind? I am absolutely convinced that in today’s rapidly changing technological world, the most expensive thing you can own is a closed mind. Could I suggest you avoid making any judgments until you have digested the content, tested the principles and seen the results you get by harnessing these natural Universal Laws? Tune into the wavelength of this book. Grab these tips and tools and put them to work in your personal and professional life. They will serve you well.

Immutable Principles

I refer to the concepts presented in this book as immutable principles of results attraction.

Immutable:  Not subject or susceptible to change or variation.

Principle:  A basic truth, law or assumption. A basic generalization that is accepted as true.

These are basic truths or laws which are not subject to change or variation. They are universal and underpin the science of achievement and attraction. They apply to any person or organisation. If embraced, harnessed and implemented they must, by the law of nature, produce more effective results for you. As you read about them, you too will sense a ‘truth’ associated with them. It will be undeniable at your core. They will resonate at a deep level. I challenge you to test these principles against your own experiences when you have been in the zone and produced remarkable results, or the opposite has happened and the momentum has slipped away from you quietly in the night.

A Learning Methodology that Works

The method of delivering the principles contained in this story is referred to as the “Memory Anchor Retention System”©. An easy recall tool, this methodology of learning was created by the late Roger Anthony of Crocodiles not Waterlilies fame. It enables the reader to remember what has been read, to recall the principles without referring to the book and to apply them, under pressure, out there in the Jungle of Life.  It tags the memory.

“I particularly enjoyed your use of metaphors… I believe that the method you have used to get your message across will be extremely useful for me as I think in pictures and like to imagine animations of situations in order to retain the information.”

National Sales Director

It is an accelerated learning process that caters to the three main learning senses:  visual, auditory and kinesthetic. For those who have a preference to learn through their visual sense, you will appreciate the icons which represent each of the laws and tools. They will paint a picture that clearly shows you the way forward. Those who learn more effectively when their auditory sense (hearing) is stimulated will tune into the names of the laws; each is designed to prompt recall of the detail. And for those who learn best by playing with the concepts (hands-on approach), the various activities in the book will assist in the process of bringing it all together for you.  You will appreciate the ‘Self-Leadership Tips’ section at the end of each law.

Regardless of the sensory preference which best suits your learning style, the aim is to ensure you can recall the laws. They should pop up from your subconscious mind when you need them most.  They will then become an automatic response. My philosophy on learning and development is very simple: if you can’t recall something, then how the hell can you apply it in your daily life? It is what we do on a daily basis that forms our subconscious habits, and our habits produce results – both positive and negative. Living these laws begins with being able to instantly recall them.

Grabs From the Gratitude Journal

Since being inspired by Dr. John Demartini in 2008 I have been writing in my Gratitude Journal. Here’s a Grab From the Journal that explains why journaling is important:

1st August 2015

Grateful for my journal. Brendan Burchard says it is critical because as you document the journey, you can look back and:

  1. Notice patterns that are repeating, and
  2. Notice how far you have come.

Grateful for the programs we are doing to up-level and produce online material. It is time to approach our business and life differently. It is time for more of ‘Ian on the air versus in the air’. At the moment we are just living the definition of insanity – doing the same things and expecting a different result. Repeating the same patterns at the moment!

Throughout this book, I have included various grabs from my journal that reinforce the principles or experiences I am sharing. It will also give you an insight into how I have used journaling to shift my mindset when I needed a ‘check-up from the neck up!’ Gratitude, as you will discover in this book, is one of the master principles which opens the portal to satisfaction and abundance.

I sincerely congratulate you for wanting to expand your knowledge. This book is in your hands now for a reason—read, enjoy, apply and reap!

And always remember to… live in the now, and make sure there’s an ‘F’ in the word SHIFT!

“shiFt Mindset” is always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype


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