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If Seventy Is The New Fifty

(15 customer reviews)

Original price was: $39.95.Current price is: $34.95.

Whether you are moving slowly and deliberately towards retirement or your circumstances have suddenly forced you to embrace an early and unexpected retirement, you need this book!

Its pages will show you how you can get off the work “Merry-go-round”, start working to live & earn a living doing what you love.

There are no guarantees in life but for far too many people one thing is for certain – their retirement dream often turns into a nightmare! You can avoid that nightmare only if you have control of your future rather than just drifting towards that mythological retirement “Dream”.

In this book, I will provide you with objective suggestions to help you achieve the future lifestyle that you deserve in as little as 18 months – no matter where you are right now. The book provides you with the road-map you need – supported with proven processes & methodologies – that I know, from my own first hand experiences, can work for anyone prepared to give it a go!”

“As I now approach retirement, whatever that means, many of the questions spinning through my head at 3am most mornings are addressed in this thought provoking book.”…Keith Dugdale, best selling author of “Smarter Selling”.

“Rarely does a book both inspire and educate you to be able to take control of your “later” life. This book has empowered me with some great tools which have given me a blueprint for what I now know will be a happier future.”…Rick Powell

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You have picked up my book and read the blurb on the back cover and thought “Interesting…” but right now you are still wondering if this book is for you – can it really help you change your life? Can it really help you have a secure, fulfilling and rewarding retirement lifestyle?

You are likely reading this preface to help you make up your mind about buying the book, before you part with your hard-earned money. I know that because it is what I do before I purchase any self-help or personal development publication.

Let’s face it – there is no shortage of books on the bookshop shelves (or Amazon catalogue!) claiming that you simply must buy a copy to be happy or successful or rich or liked or…. whatever the claim may be!

Can my book help you?

Well, only you can be the judge of that in the final analysis; but let me ask you this, do you want to be a part of the poverty economy or the prosperity economy?

To be a part of the latter you are going to need to become more proactive with your life decisions and escape the reactive mode that most people endure – and that is where this book will help you, as it provides you with a proven methodology to live a productive and enjoyable life for as long as your health will allow – as opposed to the present system where you can only achieve that for as long as your financial resources will allow!

The book is not about getting rich and it is certainly not a silver bullet, but it is about enabling you to exercise more control over your life, so that your latter years can be enjoyed without high levels of stress and worry. In fact, should you wish it, this book can show you how you can enter this phase of your life sooner than you probably thought!

Why wait until you are sixty-five (or older) to enjoy leading the life of your dreams? If you were already living that life, you would not be reading this preface!

If your retirement horizon is a little closer than you realised and you are more than a little concerned for your future and your ability to continue to provide for a decent lifestyle for yourself and your family, this book will show you how you can make changes to your life that will provide you with a more secure future – a future where you can decide what “retirement” means for you and when you want to take that step.

Then again, you may have been forced into a position where, through no fault of your own, you find your world has been turned upside down because the career you thought would take you through to retirement has come to a screeching halt – thanks to Covid19 or because your employer has had to totally rework their business model and you no longer feature in those plans.

If either sounds even remotely relevant then you should put your hand in your pocket and buy a copy – maybe even two or three, so some of your friends can ride along with you!

Always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype

15 reviews for If Seventy Is The New Fifty

  1. Rick Powell

    A fantastic read, especially for those who have journeyed through life and have realised there’s still a long way to go and how do I get there !
    Recommend to anyone who wants a blueprint to start a new life in their later years.

  2. Ralph Anania

    “If Seventy Is The New Fifty” is such an amazing book, so much so, that I struggled to put it down. The wisdom and thoughts shared in this must-read book really makes you think about your own personal experiences and how we have been conditioned to think about certain things and live life a certain way. “If Seventy Is The New Fifty” will give you a very different perspective on many areas where you may not have identified in the past.

    There are very few books that are essential reading for anyone that wants to really live a purpose filled life. This one is one of the great ones.

  3. David Cavanagh

    “If Seventy Is The New Fifty” is a great book written by my good friend and business associate, Dennis Hall. From cover to cover, Dennis has added in his very own personal experiences, thoughts, suggestions and ideas to make you really put on your thinking cap when reading this book with your favourite beverage. If you’re looking to live your life with passion, and want to get some of Dennis Hall’s “insiders secrets” then grab a copy of his book right now. You’ll be extremely glad you did as it’s a really good book from an extremely well educated, honest and down to Earth man.

  4. Tony Ryan

    You won’t need to be 70 (or even 50) to appreciate this book. I’ve read it all; and I’m confident in saying that the wisdom and practical ideas are as good as you will find anywhere. So many great Ahas all through the pages. Absolutely worth the read.

  5. Jacqui Boland

    “If Seventy Is The New Fifty” was given to me as a Christmas present and has made a thought provoking holiday read. Being on the cusp of retirement and realizing the need for a fresh set of goals, this book has made starting down that path much easier. It’s a great kickstart for anyone planning or starting to think about a new chapter in their life.

  6. Hetas Pandya

    While I am not near 50 (or may be I am) or 70, I wasn’t sure what this book will offer me. But I was quite surprised and amazed to see some great insights that are not only helpful but thought provoking even today. Can’t agree more with Dennis that everything I thought I know about retirement is a lie. Must read.

  7. Sandy Hardy

    ‘If Seventy is the New Fifty, When do I Get to Retire?’ challenges the reader to re-think what retirement looks like. In our changing world, the traditional retirement model of the twentieth century has basically become irrelevant. Dennis has shared his real-life experiences of creating a modern plan for his future and putting it into action. He walks the reader through each step towards reaching a target goal. Along the way, you will be encouraged to consider why your own retirement planning knowledge may require an update. The reader will not only gain the tools to create a retirement plan, but also gain the power to decide what retirement may look like, for him/herself.
    Congratulations Dennis on creating a practical and insightful guide towards planning your future, catering for whatever diversity of life you may have lived. I particularly enjoyed reading how Dennis and his wife Iris created a visionary plan. This sharing of personal experiences is what makes this book a valuable guide for planning your future. This book is for those who would like to take a dream and make it reality. If you have the burning questions of, ‘when do I get to retire and what can I do about it?’ I strongly suggest you grab of copy of ‘If Seventy is the New Fifty, When do I Get to Retire?’

  8. Gayle De Faveri

    Dennis Hall, a friend and mentor book “If Seventy is the New Fifty” is a book that needed to be written. It gives a personal and modern twist of the old adage, If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Covering the steps and guiding you to build a life (retirement) that you want and more importantly deserve. Thank you Dennis.

  9. Helen Arnold

    What a great book! It is hard to put it down, but you have to in order to avoid information overload. It is almost like a manual, packed with practical advice and supported by recent research. Personal examples that Dennis shares with us make it sound even more convincing. It is written in a very reader-friendly way, where Dennis` humorous personality shines through. You feel as if you are having a conversation with an old wise friend. “If Seventy Is The New Fifty…” is a must read for anyone planning on retiring. The earlier you start reading it, the better prepared you are to have your dream life in your golden years. Thank you, Dennis!

  10. Maureen Laughlin

    How can one man have sooooo much talent I say!!! Dennis Hall, thank you for your pearls of wisdom shared in this book. It won’t gather dust on the book shelf I can assure you of that. I plan to read it again and I thank you for your great advice shared in this book. A big thanks to Iris also…………………behind every great man is a great woman too of course!

  11. Brian Dullaghan

    After reading ‘If Seventy is the New Fifty, When do I Get to Retire?’ I found that I really do have the power to decide what retirement looks like for me. This book is a modern plan for the future written by a man who has always been somewhat of a forward thinker. It was very refreshing to read the real-life experiences of someone who is clearly practising what he preaches. If you are thinking about retirement, regardless of your current age, I highly recommend purchasing a copy of this thought provoking book.

  12. Jon Harris

    We all hear about and know what we should be doing leading up to retirement, but….. “If Seventy is the New Fifty, When Do I Get to Retire” is an enjoyable read which simplifies what we can and should do for a better and more enjoyable life. I had the privilege to work with Dennis Hall many years ago at Jetset and I am proud of what he has achieved by writing such an insightful and enjoyable book, well done Dennis

  13. Neil Cole

    For someone who well and truly became stuck in a rut for several decades and subsequently felt powerless and defeated…this is the book I was always looking for!!! Starting a massive personal passion project later in life and feeling the exhilaration and deep satisfaction from pursuing your dreams…’If Seventy Is The New Fifty’ is the perfect read to help you re-focus your life.

  14. Louise Phelan

    This is a provocative, inspiring and motivational book that I highly recommend to anyone nearing retirement age, planning for retirement or simply wavering on the brink of change. Not only did the book work to remind me of who I am and what I want to achieve in my retirement, it prodded me to act! (No small feat from the pages of a book to an action plan for change!). The book reminded me how important celebrating small wins is to forming positive habits and quieting the enemy within and when you threw into the mix a quote from Commander Taggart (Galaxy Quest – “Never give up! Never surrender”), I literally jumped up and went to work refocusing my ‘why’ and shaping my planning framework.

    Thanks to this book, I am now more than ready to ramp up my energy into my “side hustle” and start working to live and earn a living, doing what I love.

    Louise Phelan
    Author of “Boost Your Career”, career enhancing strategies for women.

  15. Deborah Fay

    Having just turned 58, this book caught my attention, and of course, I ran my publisher eye over it and to my delight the information is really well laid out and probably exactly what I am needing to be reading 20 years ago, but like trees, the 2nd best time to do anything is now.
    The objective suggestions it includes to help you achieve the future lifestyle that you deserve (in as little as 18 months) are really informative – no matter where your life is right now.

    Deborah Fay
    Founder & CEO Disruptive Publishing

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