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The Reluctant Diplomat

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The Reluctant Diplomat is a sequel to Hartley Henderson’s earlier novel Plantation Man. Showing the importance of ambition, loyalty, love and helping others to thrive along the way.

This intriguing story reveals what led to Balibo’s appointment as President of Kalambia, and the startling events that followed.


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Always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype

SKU: Book0408 Categories: , Tags: , , , Product ID: 3813


The Reluctant Diplomat is a sequel to Hartley Henderson’s Plantation Man. Showing the importance of ambition, loyalty, love and helping others to thrive along the way.

The first book takes us through colorful scenes, portrayed in a variety of locations including in cafes and onboard a Mississippi paddle steamer, often to the strains of jazz and blues music featuring the lovely Salina. And the reader is taken on memorable side trips – to Paris, and to Darwin in Australia.

The themes running through the novel include the importance of racial equality, personal development opportunities, generosity of spirit, and the ability to sympathize.

Jack and Salina become driving forces in their local community, providing opportunities for the development of those around them. The day-to-day operation of a working plantation is realistically presented together with how the business is developed and diversified.

Throughout the revealing narrative and dialogue, care, kindness, love and laughter are often present, while at other times challenging events such as crime and death are confronted and dealt with.

The Reluctant Diplomat follows after Jack’s retirement as a surgeon and completion of his term as Mayor of the US city of Cranton. Jack and his wife Salina are posted respectively as Ambassador and Trade Attaché to Kalambia, a country on the east coast of Africa.

After Jack’s untimely death in Africa, Salina reluctantly accepts appointment by the US President to replace Jack as Ambassador to Kalambia. Balibo, her black Kalambian bodyguard, becomes a confidant and advisor as well as her protector. 

He also becomes her lover and partner. 

This intriguing story reveals what led to Balibo’s appointment as President of Kalambia, and the startling events that followed.

Always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype


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