“Dive into the pages of Tales of No Pretence, a captivating collection of ten short stories drawn from real-life experiences. Each narrative brims with uplifting messages, delving into themes of friendship, courage, determination, and the sheer joy of existence. From the challenges of life as an immigrant to the exhilaration of reconnecting with old friends, and from the awe-inspiring landscapes of Uluru to the resilience in the face of natural disasters, these tales offer poignant insights and personal revelations.
In this book, author Cornelia Ramsay invites readers to uncover their own interpretations of these events, drawing parallels to their own lives. Whether it’s contemplating the aftermath of an earthquake, revelling in a long-awaited reunion, or embarking on a transformative journey, each story serves as a catalyst for self-reflection and growth.
We all have our own stories to tell, and Tales of No Pretence invites you to join in the journey of discovery. Take a moment after each story to ponder its significance, to explore your emotions, and to chart your own path toward personal development.
Embark on this enriching journey of introspection and enlightenment. Your adventure awaits within these pages. Enjoy the read!”
Always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype
Crina –
This book is an excellent read. The stories are uplifting and filled with love, adventure and mystery
Marilyn Lo –
This book and it’s stories provided great inspiration to me. These stories were clear and enlightening providing a guided direction to encourage my patience and being persistent in achieving my goals.
Ping Yang –
These proses are accumulations of daily life experiences across different countries and throughout the past and present. They carry the reader effortlessly along with fluid and graceful language. Each chapter brings a fresh ripple of events inviting the reader deeper into the stories. As an immigrant myself, I am invigorated by these descriptions: (adapting to new way of life challenging at times) “is the steps in your life when turning is no longer an option”. Therefore “it requires lots of courage and determination to take that leap into the unknown”.
Dan –
Great book! Fun read. I love that the stories are short but each have a meaning behind them. Highly recommend!
Lynne –
This is an easy reading book, in language that takes the reader along a journey with the author. The stories are personal and do make you reflect on the events described. I believe this book should be recommended to those with English as a second language. Also those who are new migrants as one other review mentioned it takes courage and this book reflects on some of the challenges of Australia culture.
My favorite story was chapter 9 and the re connection of friends, it is such an important part of our lives to always have friends. A great good book.