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Mary’s Story

(1 customer review)

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Mary’s Story is a must-read for all who are genuinely concerned about patient outcomes.

This is the story of a young woman’s fight for answers to a serious health issue. Meanwhile, the medical professionals she encountered were more concerned with burying their mistakes.

Mary’s GP and later a neurologist didn’t take her concerns seriously for over two years. Both diagnosed her with migraine headaches and treated her with the wrong medication, to which she was not responding. Under these circumstances, an MRI scan should be routine.

This is a story of the medical and legal professionals not getting it right. The system is set up to protect the medicos while the patient has no rights or protections.

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Always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype

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Mary’s Story is a must-read for all who are genuinely concerned about patient outcomes.

Mary’s Story is based on a journal kept by the author as she endured medical misdiagnosis, incompetence and cover-up. She deserved better

My beautiful friend Bec, small, dainty, cute and sweet… but there aren’t words that can describe or portray her strength, her courage or her almighty beautiful energy that is literally larger than life. It has been four years since she left this earth, but I can still feel her presence, her love and her strength every waking day.

It was 2012 when we moved next door. We were so excited to be living next door to a family with young children. Gracie and Tom would come over almost daily when we first moved in. I loved having them in my home. They were such little angels.

I remember meeting Bec, the subject of the book “Mary’s Story”, for the first time and I was in awe of her physical strength, she was so fit! As we got closer she shared with me that she was a yoga instructor and how kundalini yoga had helped her through a tough battle with a brain tumour. I was amazed! How could this strong woman have had a terminal illness?!

The more time we spent together, the more she opened up about and I witnessed the disgraceful way she was treated by her partner as well as the medical profession.

There was so much that she endured, yet she stayed strong and was solid as a rock for her young children. She was always riding bikes with them and they loved having fun outdoors. This is Mary’s Story.

After her cancer came back in 2014, decided that she could not continue to live under the same roof with a man who did not respect her or treat her the way she longed to be treated. Talk about a courageous woman! To this day, I still have never met a woman with such courage! So many women can never muster up enough courage to finally stand up for themselves, yet she was recovering from brain surgery and had young children! She was truly putting her emotional wellbeing first!

She ended it so she and her children could enjoy a life of peace and fun! She truly believed she could beat this horrible disease. This is the essence of Mary’s Story.

She gave it everything she had, she fought so hard. In between brain surgeries, after she had separated, her mum (granny Sues), Bec and I went on a weekend girls trip. Bec would get up before us and go outdoors to do her yoga, she did this daily! Again, I have never witnessed such mental and physical strength. It was then, only a few months later, that she had to undergo another surgery on her brain. She ended up in hospital for quite some time, again she had been let down by the medical professionals not listening to her and ignoring signs and symptoms. It was so very bad that there was doubt that she would pull through. Her strength and determination pulled through once again, but she ended up in rehab and unfortunately never regained all of her physical strength.

I recall on one of our last visits, I wheeled her in her wheelchair out by the lake and we enjoyed a coffee together. Tears began to roll down her cheeks, I had never seen my beautiful friend cry, no matter what life threw at her, she had always powered on with grace and strength and never complained. I wiped away her tears as I was trying to hold back mine. I held her hand and asked her if she was in pain. She nodded, I asked, “is it physical pain?” She said, “ no, it’s emotional” as we both sobbed. I held her hand and reminded her how loved she was and how strong she was and that everything was going to be ok.

Bec was and still is a beacon of light and an inspiration to women. She deserved better… we all deserve better…Kerry

Always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype

1 review for Mary’s Story

  1. Ian Bosler

    Mary’s Story by Rebecca Foreman captures the true-life story of the author. The resilient Rebecca Foreman was born and bred in Melbourne, Australia, as the last child in a family of three children. However, sometimes life throws the toughest of experiences to the strongest of us, and this exemplifies what the story of Rebecca Foreman, aka Mary, centres around. After over two years of experiencing constant headaches after a misdiagnosis, she was finally properly diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM), one of the deadliest forms of brain cancer. In true Mary fashion, she would not give up on herself and would approach this condition with a positive attitude despite the glaring deficiencies in the healthcare system that was supposed to detect the condition early and treat her properly. The author, in the most selfless of acts, hopes to employ her tough, negative experiences with patient care to shine a light on a failing system that must be improved upon to help patients properly.

    The book is both an exposé and an autobiography, as, besides the author’s central aim of writing the book, we follow her story from childhood and experience her influences and moments with her family that would shape who she would become. I very much enjoyed how she presented her story in this manner, as it gave me the opportunity to connect with her as a person, and she had several qualities that readers will love, from her selflessness, which I mentioned earlier, to her adventurous nature that would see her take us on different trips and explore new opportunities to grow, Including engaging in kundalini yoga that will pique readers’ interest in regards to improving awareness and health. This was why it became quite a difficult and emotional read for me while she took me through the events leading up to her illness and beyond.

    At 107 pages, the book is a concise read, and Mary’s writing is straightforward since she doesn’t delve too much into discussing the full impact of these experiences on her and her family, which I did not particularly like. Nonetheless, the pictures of the experiences she included throughout the book did well to give more insight into what was happening in those periods. She even includes letters, test results, and diagnoses to illustrate her point that the healthcare system is deficient in regard to patient care.

    The importance of family was also highlighted in the author’s story, as we saw how her mother, most of all, stood strong for her and took care of her. The author also passes several insightful lessons revolving around the significance of spirituality, the power of our words, and the value of supporting each other.

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