The Rainbow Bridge is the story of the author’s strong belief that she will be reunited with the much-loved pets she knew during her lifetime.
Because of its many colours, the bridge connecting Heaven and Earth has come to be known as the Rainbow Bridge.
There is a land of meadows, hills, and lush green valleys just this side of the bridge. When a Beloved pet dies, this wonderful place serves as their home. There is always an abundance of food and water and warm sunshine. Old and frail animals are young again, and those who have been maimed are made whole. They make new friends and play all day.
There is one thing missing from these carefree surroundings though, the companionship of their loving masters. Time passes and soon another day comes when one of them is distracted by a familiar scent. With nose twitching, ears at attention and eyes staring in delight, this one runs from the group…
You have been seen.
As you embrace, your face is kissed again and again and again, and once more you look into the eyes of your loyal companion.
You cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.
We Can Only Hope…
The Rainbow Bridge was the inspiration for this book.
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