Green Lights All the Way: My Journey from Son of a Chinese Political Refugee to Successful Australian Surgeon. A memoir of a boy’s journey to success from a small town in a third-world country with a mission entrusted to him by his father to become a surgeon.
This book is about the lucky breaks he needed to continue working as a surgeon throughout his medical career in Australia. It is about frustration and ultimately depression arising from a lack of opportunity to test out his ideas in medical research until finally he was given an opportunity to fulfil his wish in Hong Kong. His research at Hongkong university established, among other things, the two significant parameters in the histological examination of rectal cancers namely radial surgical invasion and clearance.
In this book, the author extensively discusses the philosophical traditions in China and how these traditions, combined with the modern technology started from the west, enabled the success in lifting 800 million people from poverty in China. This traditional philosophy of compassionate administration and forbearance will lead to a peaceful global village instead of the self-fulling prophesy of Armageddon.
This book includes many quotes from traditional Chinese books of philosophy and poems. Thus, this book can also serve as a clear introduction to the essence of Chinese philosophic tradition and to the significance of poetry in Chinese intellectual lives.
Always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype
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