Without Absolutes, God is not God is a collection of articles exploring God’s existence. Absolutes have an immense effect on how we view the world.
As a Christian, I believe it’s important to adhere to certain fundamentals. For instance, we should have strongly-held convictions about God’s existence, theology, Christology and pneumatology. These absolutes have an immense effect on how we view the world and how we interpret God’s actions. That’s why I titled this group of articles ‘Without absolutes, God is not God’.
People might be questioning why we need to have absolutes. Basically, it’s about affirming or rejecting the existence of the Holy Trinity. Believers acknowledge that God influences our lives, while non-believers reject that concept. To put it simply, non-believers need to decide if God is a reality or a mere figment of our imaginations.
I guess the reader will be asking himself or herself why there is a requirement to hold to absolutes. The need for absolutes is not complex. In reality, the argument determines whether one is a believer or non-believer in the triune God. A believer will weigh whether God ‘revelationally’ speaks into this world generally and specifically. A non-believer will object to such a proposition and, as a consequence, leave himself or herself open to other belief systems. To, perhaps, put it another way, a non-believer is faced with the choice of deciding whether God is a reality or whether God is a creation of human imagination.
“Without Absolutes, God is not God” is always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype
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