Lisa Rose is the author of Sox the Fox and Lox. An activity-based children’s picture book that conveys a strong sustainability message.
Having travelled the world with eyes wide open, Lisa Rose is positively a 70’s kind of gal. She has spunk, flare, and the delicious colour of words twist, jive, and limbo, as she delves into her imagination to write short picture stories about topics that interest her and hopefully you too.
An Early Childhood Educator, Lisa explains that working with children has always been an opportunity to play and harness the creativity of little people, delving into fantasmical learning spaces and growing ideas. One should listen, tend to and extend experiences and be present. This is a recipe for nurture and an avenue to progress.
She delves into a series of stories with characters Sox the Fox and his best friend Lox, who together grow, explore, make, create, and even bake. The books are complemented with an array of cosmic rhythms where you discover new words and build concepts.
A good resource for teachers, and interactive activity for parents and home schoolers.