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Ron Mileham

Ron has been running the family packaging and handling business for the past 30 years, and at an age when most men would be retired, Ron still loves the cut and thrust of business, making decisions, forging new horizons, whilst also inventing and patenting new products.

Having attended Toastmasters speaking courses some time ago, the thrill of imparting a tale to a rapt audience is both nerve wracking and exhilarating when it works, so he invites you to invite him to your next book reading – where practicable – or via Zoom, or delivered by a pre-recorded video presentation. You can also send questions prior, the answers to which can be included in the presentation. Contact

Having been born into a lower-middle-class family in North London, where he occupied with his family, the top of four floors plus the attic, his life was one of hecticity until he married and moved out – around the corner. With a four year apprenticeship in cooking behind him, he was ready to change the culinary world. The problem was that he wanted to be a salesperson just like his Uncle, who had the car, the suit, the expense account, so he changed careers, only to fail dismally until he got to find out – after many years – what makes people tick.

He loved and still loves to pull things apart to find out how they were made. He wasn’t too good at putting them back together again, but hey – that’s how you learn – don’t you?

After many, many jobs, he decided that life would be better if he could determine his own destiny, so he started a business and continues to run it today, with writing as his venture into anything to do with promotions, copy, brochures and especially at weekends – for leisure.

5 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Ron:

  1. He likes to help other dreams come true.
  2. He likes to make up ridiculous stories – about everything.
  3. He likes to take kids on thought journeys that expand their minds
  4. He doesn’t like to sit on the sand, waste time, or do unproductive things.
  5. He likes to let his mind wander into solving problems or exploring niche ideas.

He can be contacted by email at

Check out Ron’s book: The Thrift Shop
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