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Without Delay

(1 customer review)

Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $44.95.

This book is aimed at Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Managers, Rail Planners and Regulators but could also be useful for other industries and organisations.

It reflects the key learnings and reflections between the mid-1980s and 2022.

The aim is to enable the reader, in time to have a stronger base from which to build professional excellence. The perspective throughout the book, in each Part and chapter is as follows:

  • Career Observations
  • Consequential Insights
  • I later read this which reinforced my thinking and practice
  • If I was starting again, I would adopt this approach.

Simon Lane is one of these rare people who deserve to be called a true rail operations expert. Without Delay should be at the top of the reading list for those involved in rail operations or maintenance, rail project implementation and railway planning…T.C Chew, Global Rail Business Lead, Arup

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“Without Delay” is always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype


Without Delay: This book is aimed at Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Managers, Rail Planners and Regulators but could also be useful for other industries.

Without Delay is aimed at providing Rail O&M Managers, Network Owners, Rail Planners, Project Proponents and Regulators a structured description of the lessons I have learned over a 40 year career. It highlights the many insights, reflections and methodologies which I wish I had been taught and not had to learn for myself.

Sir Isaac Newton said that “if he had seen further than the rest it is because he stood on the shoulders of giants”. I am not a giant but I hope that any reader will be able to “see further” as a consequence of reading the book. I would have appreciated having such a reference throughout my career.

The book considers both cultural and technical aspects of Rail Management and is aimed at helping Rail Managers to deliver greater value and lower risk to customers, Boards, Network Owners and the taxpayers.

  • Simon Lane’s new book Without Delay describes how theory about O&M excellence is turned into practice from a Line Manager’s perspective as someone who successfully reshaped customer service in the rail industry on three continents.  It will make essential reading for any manager in the sector, be they an infrastructure controller or an operator…Graham Eccles: A 45 year Senior Leader in UK Rail Industry
  • Without Delay illustrates the way that Simon Lane shared an inspiring vision at SBS Transit Rail and galvanized the whole organisation towards achieving it. The six Parts provide the experience and lessons learned across a number of important requirements of successful O&M Management which shaped the creation of robust internal processes and systems that enabled excellence to be achieved and sustained. It will be essential reading for any aspiring Rail O&M Manager at several levels from CEOs to Junior Managers…Jeffrey Sim, CEO SBS Transit Rail, Singapore
  • Having worked alongside Simon Lane and observed his grounded expertise in completely understanding railway performance and knowing precisely how to make it far better, leaves me in no doubt that Without Delay will be of enormous value for current and aspiring railway managers…Raymond O’Flaherty: CEO MTM, Melbourne, Australia

“Without Delay” is always in stock. “Printed On Demand” in Australia by Intertype

1 review for Without Delay

  1. Iaen Hodges (verified owner)

    A must read for senior management improvements and for managers/supervisors development. Basic principles I wish I’d understood when reaching supervisor/management levels. I was an incompetent manager but I was fortunate to stand on the shoulders of giants! At least I got a hand up from some of the greatest!

    20 years later and this books proves you never stop learning!

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